As errors are found or reported by readers, we will collect them here.
They will then be corrected in later printings.
Thanks for input. You can send error reports to
Here are corrected versions (in Visio) of diagrams for which errors have been reported. The textual errors are listed below.
Where | Description | Reported by | Printing Corrected |
p184, Fig 7.10 | (Notice that the Cargo Repository is answering a query with a count, rather than a collection of instances.) The reference to count in Fig 7.10 is not on the diagram and sequence numbers are missing. |
p73 & 79 | references to “Fowler (2002)” should read “Fowler (2003)”. | ACSE, 10/04/2004 | 5th |
p149, 150, 153, 156, 159, 234, and 509 | references to “Fowler (2002)” should read “Fowler (2003)”. | J Shaw, 8/02/2007 | 11th |
p xii, TOC | entry for ‘Declarative Design’ should not be in all-caps, since it is not a pattern section. |
Eric Evans | 4th |
p55, Figure 3.3 – | Parent class should be called ‘Abstract Net’ (not just Net) | 4th | |
p72, Figure 4.1 – | Both references to ‘a456’ should be changed to ‘a234’ | Eryk Vershen, 10/1/2003 | 4th |
p103 | “pragmatic designers have come to use one element…” should read “pragmatic designers have come to use one other element…”. |
[Eric Evans, 2/2/2004] | 4th |
p122 | second to last paragraph, final period is missing. | 4th | |
p166 4th paragraph | “Ordinarily, as the model is being refined to support the design better, is should also…” The “is” after the comma should be “it”. |
Jason Citron, 6/18/04 | 4th |
p274, bottom of the page | “(Container)aContainer.getFeatures()…” should read “(Container)candidate.getFeatures()…” |
Silicon Valley Patterns, 1/13/04 |
4th |
p284 | the attribution should go to Aristotle, not Socrates. | Silicon Valley Patterns, 1/13/04 |
4th |
p288, Fig 10.20 | In Loan and Share Pie, methods are now using Money objects instead of doubles. But the code and the text don’t reflect this change. |
4th | |
p288, Fig 10.20 | In Loan, methods are shown as still using Maps even though the shift has been made to Share Pie instead (in both the code and the Share Pie diagram) |
4th | |
p420, Bold section mid-page | “Flag the elements of the CORE DOMAIN” should read “Flag each element of the CORE DOMAIN”. |
4th | |
p454, Fig 16.5 | “byCustomer(tracking id)” should read “byCustomer(String)” | Dave Smith, 2/4/04 | 4th |
p466-468,472-473, Fig 16.15,16.17,16.19,16.21,16.22. | Throughout Knowledge Level example, several of the inheritance arrows should be associations, not subtypes. | Silicon Valley Patterns, 2/3/04 | 4th |
p470/471 | The paragraph “The KNOWLEDGE LEVEL provides two useful distinctions …. and can communicate the specific intent of the designer.” is repeated. The first occurrance (in the middle of page 470) should be removed. |
4th |